Be entertained by our combined Otago Girls’/ Boys’ kapa haka Wairua Pūhou, hear from our Māori student leaders, find out about our plans, our akoranga Māori and the big kaupapa Māori events for 2023.
Welcome to our week one newsletter
Every year Otago Boys' High School has a poem of the year.
The Youth Petanque League is starting on Tuesday, the 14th of February.
What a great regatta!
What is Disc Golf?
Registration for summer sports close on Sunday, 5 February. Payment for these must also be paid by this date.
The Otago Southland Secondary Schools Water Ski Championships will be held on Sunday, 19th February 2023 and is open to Otago and Southland secondary school pupils.
This year, many of the current Year 10 started off the year wearing the badges that they worked hard for in 2022.
We would like to welcome our new staff to the Otago Boys' High School community.
Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable summer
There is a large volume of school uniform in the lost property at the school office.
While teams were light on numbers, Otago Boys' were well represented in several deciding matches for the final week of Dunedin Secondary Schools' Futsal.
Somewhat unbelievably, we are here, we made it to the end.
On the final day of the academic year, the junior school assembled to celebrate the success of our junior students.
Welcome to our Week 9 Newsletter
In this final week of term, the juniors were awarded the Term 4 Value Badge for Excellence.
On Friday, 2 December 2022, the Junior Fives champion was crowned.
Monday was the final Mountain Bike ride for Term Four.
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news