Below is a list of internal assessments that are due to be submitted.
Welcome to our week 7 Hostel Newsletter
Last week the Year 12 and 13 Outdoor Education classes each had a trip to the Snow Farm, in Wanaka.
The Siga Siga Trust Scholarship is awarded to present or past pupils of Otago Boys' High School to further their education at Otago Boys' High School, at any University or other institution of learnin...
This week at senior assembly, Angus Henderson (OBHS Head Boy, 2020) returned to explain his study technique and how to be successful in the NCEA external exams.
One hundred and fifty boys and their partners made their way to the Otago Museum on Saturday, 20 August for the Otago Boys' High School Year 13 formal.
Senior exams will be held in weeks 9 and 10 of Term 3.
Congratulations to Taka Sugiyama, Aleksander Kivilev and Neo Salomonsson who competed in the New Zealand Short Course Swimming Championships held in Auckland last week.
Congratulations to Sam Gavin and Max Napier on winning the National Secondary Schools - Regional Culinary Challenge - Southland, Westcoast, and Otago.
The world’s largest touch rugby tournament is being held in October this year, with over 450 teams representing various top schools both nationally and internationally, and OBHS is one of them.
The Learn to Row Programme is designed to give students a taste of what rowing is all about.
The #SleepQ (Quality) study is a study of teenage sleep.
Another week provided yet another challenge.
The next meeting of the OBHS Parents Association will be held in the school staff room on Thursday, 1st September at 7pm. We would love you to join us. New members are most welcome!
The OBHS Parents Association would like to thank everyone who supported the recent cheese roll fundraiser.
Welcome to our Week 5 Newsletter
As Chairperson of the Dunedin Jazz Foundation and Director of "All Blues", the Otago Boys' and Girls' High School Jazz Band, I was very pleased to see students from across Dunedin performing and compe...
9G has been studying the language of advertising; the tactics that get us to open our wallets.
After a three year hiatus the Senior O'MAthalon was held again at Logan Park High School on Thursday, 18 August.
Year 11 Geographers are used to asking the big questions.
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news