Internal assessments

By OBHS | Posted: Thursday May 25, 2023

Below is a list of internal assessments that are due to be submitted next week.


11SCI (RG)  90926: Report on a biological issue.
12BIO (SI) 91158: Investigate a pattern in an ecological community.
12ENG (HL) 91101: Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing.
12FDN 91302: Evaluate sustainable food related practices.
13FDN 91469: Investigate the influence of multinational food corporations on eating patterns in New Zealand.
13AGR (PF) 91528: Carry out an investigation into an aspect of a New Zealand primary product or its production.


13MAS (RS) 91576: Use critical path analysis in solving problems.


11ENG (HL) 90052: Produce Creative Writing or Produce Formal Writing.
11SCI (JZ) 90926: Report on a biological issue.
11SCI (MR) 90930: Carry out a practical chemistry investigation, with direction.
12CHE (MZ) 91167: Demonstrate understanding of oxidation-reduction.
13GEO 91430: Conduct geographic research with consultation.
13MAC (RS) 91575: Apply trigonometric methods in solving problems.
13AGR (MZ) 91528: Carry out an investigation into an aspect of a New Zealand primary product or its production.