Last Sunday, Year 9 student Mouhammad Ali Taha competed at the Otago/Southland Regional Karate Championships held in Alexandra.
The Term Four Dunedin Schools' Futsal competition started on Thursday.
Having 200 boys stare at you can’t be as bad as going up on stage with a Wiggles guitar and dancing to Footloose. Both do require courage.
Students who completed the term 3 reading challenge were rewarded with ice cream sundaes last week.
With our 1st XI involved in Gillette Cup qualifying, it was up to our Premier Colts team to enter the McCullum Cup this year.
On Saturday, 26 November the OBHS Old Boys' Society Leavers' Dinner will be held at the Village Green, Sunnyvale starting at 6.30pm.
You know, I was thinking about this Last Word last week, sitting here in assembly, listening to Thomas’s Last Word and I had no idea what I was going to say to you guys.
Pre-covid we started a tradition of a winter blues evening.
Over the holidays Matthew Bolter and Jake Owen competed in the National Road Relay Championships in Christchurch.
The New Zealand Secondary Schools Diving Championships were held in Auckland during the school holidays.
On Friday, September 30th our squad of all hostel students travelled with parents to Christchurch in time for an orientation and practice at the Canterbury Clay Target Club at McLeans Island.
This year has been a big year for everyone, myself included.
“Let’s go off-track” was the call from the boys after our last expedition back in April.
The PTA will be holding second hand uniform sales.
This year's prizegiving is being held at The Regent Theatre on Tuesday, 1 November at 7.00pm.
13 - 16 October 2022 - Bluff Hill, Invercargill.
James Gardner had little time to put his feet up during the school holidays.
The Willows is an annual cricket event treasured by Otago Boys' steeped in history and tradition.
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