Below is a list of internal assessments that are due to be submitted next week.
What a busy week it has been! Last Sunday, our Juniors ended the weekend with a trip down to Megazone for a few Laser Tag games. It was great to have such an awesome turnout and to get some Year 9 and...
For senior students, particularly Year 13, these next 4 weeks are crucial.
In reviewing this trip with students most said they enjoyed it more than they thought they would.
Toilet paper - it's something we all use and wouldn't like to be without!
The day culminated with three student donors who, like all our volunteers were very happy to try to do their bit for our region, knocking on my door, extremely happy with themselves. They had a plaque...
An exciting junior darts final was held on stage during junior assembly on Wednesday.
During lunchtime on Friday, 9 August, the inaugural Junior Masterchef House competition was held.
Academic coaching for all senior students is being held on Friday, 30 August.
In Tuesday’s Drama lesson, the boys worked with liquid latex to create fake wounds.
Unfortunately, we have had to postpone the OBHS Arts & Cultural Showcase which was to be held on 22 August.
While our rugby teams were giving their all on the pitch, another group of dedicated students were hard at work tackling a pressing engineering challenge.
We welcome you to join us for our next, What’s the G.O.S.S – Gems Of Sport Series
In March this year after three days of shooting and trials, I was selected for the New Zealand Under 21 International shooting team for 2024.
Welcome to the Otago Boys' School House weekly newsletter update.
On the 21st of May, 34 of our students took part in the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking competition.
Because of the success of the last pie fundraiser, we are doing it again!
The senior school exams for 2024 are scheduled to take place from September 18 to September 27.
In May, a number of our Year 11 and Year 10 students sat the NCEA Corequisite Reading, Writing and Numeracy exams.
On Friday, 12 July the FOYDA (Football Otago Youth Development Academy) team departed for the UK. Arriving in Manchester after flying for over 24 hours we slowly started to adapt to the new time zones...
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news