By Melissa Rodgers | Posted: Wednesday February 26, 2025
As part of our efforts to raise funds to enhance our school environment and provide new opportunities and resources for all students to enjoy, each student has been issued a raffle card to sell and support this fundraiser.
The raffle cards play an essential role in helping us raise funds, and we ask for your support in encouraging your son to participate by selling the tickets to family, friends, and the wider community. The funds raised through the raffle will be used to enhance our school environment and provide new opportunities and resources for all students to enjoy, through upgraded facilities and every contribution will directly benefit the students.
Important Information:
Raffle cards were issued to your son during Form Time on Thursday.
All money raised and completed raffle cards need to be returned to the school office by Friday, 21st March. You can also pay directly into the school bank account (not Kindo): 06 0901 0391539 00, please reference your sons name and raffle.
Your participation and support are vital in ensuring the success of this fundraising initiative. We will be requesting in the coming weeks that each family donate a grocery item which will be used towards the grocery hampers, we will also be reaching out to the wider school community asking for donations. Thank you for your continued support.