By Kelly Kinghorn | Posted: Thursday February 20, 2025
How to fit more reading into your day.
I have already written about the importance of making reading a personal habit. The benefits of reading are many, and range from improving your literacy skills to helping with your overall well being.
But I also know that in our busy lives it can be hard to find time to sit down and read. It’s something I sometimes struggle with, and I’m sure that goes for many others.
Here are a few simple ideas for finding space for reading in your daily life (for students and whānau alike):
Always have a book on you. If you’re waiting for your pick up, or if you get to your sports practice early, or you have a long trip on the bus, you can squeeze in some reading time. Your book will always be there ready to pick up when you have a moment.
Digital detox. Have some time each day where you turn off your screens and silence your notifications - a good chance to settle down with an old-school book and ignore all the other distractions.
Read to wind down. Reading before sleep is a great way to escape the busyness of the day, and making it part of your bedtime routine is good for the brain and can help you get a good night’s sleep.
Use audio books. While listening to an audio book is different to reading off a page, you are still exposing your mind to crafted language and immersing yourself in a story. The bonus with audio books is you can listen while you do other things like helping out with chores at home, or walking to and from school or work. A digital membership at the Dunedin Public Library will give you access to hundreds of audio books for free - and I can help you set that up!
Challenge yourself over the next week to find a new way to fit reading into your life, and pop into the school library to find your next favourite book!