The Dunedin RSA Welfare Trust offers scholarships to students who normally live within the Dunedin RSA area, and who will be undertaking a tertiary education course in 2024, with an institution recogn...
As we approach the end of the academic year, it's time for our Year 9 and 10 students to begin preparing for the upcoming Year 9 and 10 school exams in Mathematics, English, Science, and Social Studie...
Football was certainly the winner when this annual fixture was played in great weather conditions on Monday.
There will be a Teacher Only Day on Monday, 13 November and the school will be closed for tuition.
On Wednesday evening, 1 November 2023, ‘Cloud 9 Hydration’ from Otago Boys’ High School won the ‘Solving a developing problem’ award at the 2023 Otago Regional Final of the Lion Foundation Young Enter...
We have a new staff member, who along with his family will be moving to Dunedin in the new year.
Next year’s combined OBHS-OGHS Production is Legally Blond.
Well, this is it.
Congratulations to Year 13 student William Thode.
Kia ora, talofa lava, ni sa bula vinaka, kia orana, malo e lelei, malo ni, faka alofa lahi atu, faka talofa atu, mauri, and warm pacific greetings to you students, staff and family.
Senior prizegiving was held on Tuesday, 31 October at the Regent Theatre. It was a special occasion to celebrate the student's success throughout the year.
Good quality uniform.
Time to think about purchasing your 2024 school stationery?
The first school fee invoice will be emailed to every family at the end of February 2024.
Junior prizegiving will be held in the school auditorium on Thursday, 7 December at 10.30am.
The Parents Association will be holding uniform sales on Thursday, 14 December, Thursday, 18 January and Tuesday, 23 January from 5.30pm until 6.30pm.
Don't get lost. Use the map to guide you around the school. If you do get stuck just ask someone for directions, or head to the school office and they will help you.
Otago Boys’ High School is a Year 9-13 secondary school for boys. It was established in 1863. Today there are over 800 students, including approximately 140 hostel boys and a small number of internati...
Each House has an appointed Dean to oversee the pastoral care of every student.
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news