Now is the time to think about this great offer. With fuel prices high, why not sign up for a fuel card that offers you discount and supports OBHS.
In 2013 I had the privilege of traveling to South Africa with the OBHS cricket team. This was an eye opening tour and we experienced the two extremes. From extreme wealth to extreme poverty, they had ...
Otago Boys' will be taking a group of students on an expedition to Borneo in January of 2018, with World Challenge Expeditions. If you are interested, please contact [email protected].
Nathan Hill, Nathan Briggs and Sean Woo gained five prizes for their outstanding work measuring the effect of sedimentation on marine organisms in relation to dredging of the Otago Harbour. This invol...
Form class photos will be taken next Thursday, 18 August. Photos are $17.00 each and orders and payment will be taken on the day.
Otago Boys’ High School remains a school of excellence.
Vladimir woke up to a whiff of smoke tickling his nostrils and choking his throat. He had no memory of being here, yet the moss licked walls, fractured windows cowering behind desert dunes of dust and...
Greetings and welcome. Our last year of high school together has finally caught up with us, whisking us away from the wonderland teapot adventure of adolescence into the real world.
The Otago Boys' Ski and Snowboard team have once again proved their worth with taking second place in both disciplines at the recent Otago/Southland Ski and Snowboard Championships held at Cardrona la...
Year 12 students learning about Experimental Design in Statistics get to design and carry out their own experiment.
Work completed in Years 9 and 10 Digital Visual Communication classes is currently on display in the library.
Marking by a panel of judges has been completed and the school has been advised that Hayden McAlister's project "Friendly Fire" won 6 awards.
This week we have had the pleasure of hosting the 2016 Otaki Scholar Jamie Seedhouse. Jamie tells us about the scholarship and his visit to New Zealand.
“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, a...
The combined Otago Boys' and Otago Girls' Pasifika group, Empire are holding a fundraiser for Polyfest this evening. There will be a variety of acts, snacks and pacific food for sale, along with spot ...
With snow and ice bringing Dunedin to a standstill on Friday there was initial doubt over whether we would actually make it to the ski field.
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news