Jarvis Cross has built a 100cc kart during the year in the engineering workshop.
Roslyn Wakari AFC (RWAFC) extends an open invitation to all association male or female football players planning to study or continuing their studies at either Otago University, Otago Polytechnic or p...
The final house assembly for Park took place today so we took the opportunity for a last photo with the Year 13 students.
We are holding an Open Day for current Year 7 boys and their families who may be interested in enrolling as boarders in 2021 in Year 9.
The Otago Boys’ High School Foundation was established in 2005 with the sole purpose of benefitting the school.
As my days at Otago Boys’ come to an end it is hard to not reflect on all the memories I have made here.
With heavy rain falling on Wednesday morning it looked like mountain biking for Term 4 was going to have to wait another week!
This week Level 1 Visual Arts students handed their external Portfolios in.
Congratulations to Michael Manson who has been selected to take part in the RedBull Ignite 7 high performance programme which is designed to discover the next generation of sevens superstars.
The Otago Boys' High School has a very active and supportive parents' association.
The New Zealand Midget Ice Hockey League (U18 NZMIHL), is the national competition of the country's top under 18 players that runs from June to September annually.
Limited places still available!
Are there any school families who would like to host a food stall for the school fair on April 4th 2020?
Transport to OBHS is provided by:
It was great to see the boys again after two weeks break. They have certainly started the term well and I believe we have the right energy leading into this last term.
On Tuesday 15 October 2019, OAK Cologne from Otago Boys’ High School won the 2019 Otago Regional Final of the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme.
JR McKenzie Youth Education Fund - Application for Assistance.
Recalled by Robin Klitscher 1950- 54
Otago Boys' High School Fair - 4 April 2020
Congratulations to Year 11 student Patrick Sefo-Cloughley who has been selected to go to the OTIP Training Camp in New Calendonia in December.
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news