It has been a busy couple of weeks for the Rowing Squad.
A big welcome to 2024 from the OBHS library. I am the school librarian, Mrs. Kinghorn, and I am looking forward to meeting all our new students over the coming days.
On Tuesday, 30 January 2024 the Otago Boys’ High School 1st XI played their first traditional fixture of the year against an invitational Old Boy’s XI in a 40 Over match on Littlebourne.
We are very excited to announce that the Otago Boys’ Talent Quest is coming back for 2024.
The Otago/Southland Secondary Schools Water Ski Championships will be held on Sunday, 25 February 2024 and is open to Otago and Southland secondary school pupils.
The annual athletics day will be held at the Caledonian grounds on Wednesday, 7 February.
A reminder that registration for Term 1 summer sports close on Sunday, 4 February.
We would like to welcome our new staff to the Otago Boys' High School community.
Greetings to our School House hostel families and welcome to the first newsletter for 2024
Due to dwindling stocks, we have made the decision to cancel the second-hand uniform sale advertised for Tuesday, 23 January.
Welcome to our final newsletter for the year
Form class and group photos were taken earlier this year.
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa
With the ‘NEW’ Level 1 NCEA course planning in full swing around the country, Otago Boys’ High School Commerce department took the opportunity to drop into recently crowned Business South Supreme Busi...
On the final day of the academic year, the junior school assembled to celebrate the success of our junior students.
Congratulations to Year 12 student Luke Marsh who has been selected to play for The Willows Cricket Club Combined Secondary School Boy XI.
The administration staff would like to wish our school community a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. We look forward to welcoming current and new students along with their families t...
Year 10 Painting - Term 4.
In this final week of term, the juniors were awarded the Term 4 Value Badge for Excellence.
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news