Earlier this term, our junior interschool touch team traveled out to King's to take part in their annual invitational tournament.
The Parents Association is pleased to offer the school community the opportunity to purchase the Sweet Enough cookbook. The price of the book is $40.00 with $15.00 from each book sold going to the Pa...
Southern Rugby Club 5th November at 2.30pm. 10 a-side rugby game between King's High School and Otago Boys' High School past and present players. Followed by a fundraiser in the clubrooms which includ...
This award recognises one young man in each year level who has lived our school values: Respect, Perseverance, Honour, Courage and Excellence. He ideally will be a student who has shown through his ac...
This morning at senior assembly the Rector Mr Hall took great pleasure in awarding centurions' badges to Year 13 students.
At Otago Boys', we are a team. All of us: teachers, juniors, seniors; are a part of each others journey, and I would argue are a crucial part to each other’s success. Whether we done the hoops, or a P...
Our Year 12 students explore what happens when throwing rice and multilink cubes at a target and then measure the distance of how far away they land. Does it follow a classic bell shape? Normal distri...
At the end of November twenty-five of our Year 10 boys will spend four days in the Catlins exploring, having adventures and undertaking a Science, English and Statistics project to kickstart their NCE...
Otago Boys' High School Fair Saturday 8 April 2017
It became a very sad time for Thai people and many people around the world when King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the King of Thailand passed away.
On Wednesday night the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme regional finals were held in the Hutton Theatre at the Otago Museum.
The new rowing season begins this weekend with the long distance row from Cromwell to Clyde. Sure to blow the cobwebs away.
You cannot study and use your phone.
The school swimming sports were held on Thursday at Moana Pool.
This week we received the fantastic news that two of our boys have made the New Zealand Secondary Students' Choir.
The Otago Secondary Schools Rowing Association Indoor Rowing Championships were held last weekend. The following results show OB's rowing is in good heart. Well done to everyone involved.
Please see the attached flyer for a special offer supporting Otago Boys' High School available at Noel Leeming from 7 November - 13 November.
Recently the International Futsal team - The World XI competed in the Dunedin Senior Futsal Competition held at the Edgar Cente. The team won all their matches scoring a remarkable average of 6 goals ...
Following his recent success at the South Island Judo Championships, Year 10 student Dylan Murcott travelled to Auckland last week for two days to compete at the National Championships. Here he won a...
On Saturday 26th November the Leavers' Dinner will be held at Forbury Park Raceway at 6.30pm.
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news