Black Caps coach Mike Hesson finished his six-year stint with the national side yesterday. But before he packed away his almanacks, notes and pencils, he caught up with cricket writer Adrian Seconi to...
Tues, 3 July saw close to 100 OBHS students arrive, en masse, for fun and games against one of our oldest and certainly largest traditional rival, CBHS. Having slaughtered all but two of their teams i...
The OBHS Foundation Chairperson recalls his memories of Otago Boys and Hostel life.
On the 1st of July, 8 Otago Boys’ students set out on a very long awaited and anticipated trip.
Year 9 student Theo Smith has recently returned from competing in the Singapore National Diving competition. Theo tells us about his experience.
Congratulations to Year 12 student Hunter Walker who has been named in the New Zealand Under 21 Curling team.
The Otago Boys' High School’s Parents' Association has been very busy during the past year fundraising through many various activities to benefit the boys here at the school, and we would like to give...
I was very fortunate that an accident of birth had me born in Dunedin in 1929 in Nurse Ross’s maternity home on the corner of Elm Row & Arthur Street, just 300-meters from the OBHS memorial gate.
From the top of Signal Hill (with Chris Hamilton, one of the instructors), this week the boys did shuttle runs to enjoy riding the downhill tracks, namely the Jump Track and Ginger Cougar.
Congratulations to Year 9 student Theo Smith who was awarded the cup for Best Male Skier during week 1 of the Otago Ski Club 2018 Ski Camp.
The Mitchell Cup competition hots up.
Please see below for information from the Rugby Club week beginning 30th of July.
There are a few spaces available on the Volcanoes Tour of the North Island, from 28th September to the 3rd October.
This will be the final last word I will ever give to this school. Not by choice, not because I don’t like giving them. But because my time at this school is coming to a close, much sooner than I would...
This Wednesday (1 August) the school will close to students at 1pm to allow staff to prepare for the school's Open Night.
This week's final winter inter-school was a special occasion for the OBHS Debating Club.
Attracting audiences of over 6,000 throughout the day, and many more via live-stream broadcast.
I hope you enjoyed time as a family over the holidays and that you enjoyed in the second week in particular, some of the excellent weather.
On Saturday the 7th of July, 28 Year 12 and 13 students embarked on what was described as “the trip of a lifetime” along with Mr Tagg, Ms Moore and Mr Hanson.
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news