Last session for the term and it was an adventure out on the peninsula. With a number of boys away we only had 8 riding.
9H are finishing Term 4 with a statistical investigation into Google Reviews using Google Maps, on local businesses and organisations.
University of Canterbury (UC) Emeritus Professors Murray Munro and John Blunt have been named among the top 1% of cited researchers worldwide.
On the 6th of December boys at OBHS will be celebrating the end of term and the start of the summer holidays. For Aramis Fitzgerald, a Year 12 student this day will be even more momentous as it is the...
To finish off the year 9B are putting their visual text studies to good use; scripting, filming and directing their own short films.
Junior Prize Giving will be held in the school auditorium on Friday 6 December at 10.30am.
Registrations are now open for the 2020 Brain Bee Challenge!
There is a sense of excitement building at the hostel with the end of the school year fast approaching.
Tag in a mate and help them reconnect with the School
This week Mr Hall received the following letter from the principal of Opoho School.
Despite recent rain, and a less than favourable forecast, the decision was made to ride on Wednesday afternoon.
For two days, Year 10 media students worked to create a short movie. Plan it, record it, edit it.
Otago Boys' had three teams entered in the Junior Volleyball Otago Championships over the weekend. Here is how they went.
A reminder to all students to please return overdue books as soon as possible.
The School is pleased to announce that tenders for the car park have been listed on 'GETS'; the governments electronic tendering site.
We would like to invite you to the Old Boys' Society Annual Luncheon.
Can you see someone you know? Tag them in and help the School reconnect.
This week the school was saddened to learn of the death of Mr Alan “Tex” Houston, a past pupil and a former teacher of OBHS.
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news