Outdoor Ed - Rock Climbing

By Andrew Willmott | Posted: Thursday August 27, 2020

This week some of the Outdoor Education classes have been rock climbing at the former Port Chalmers quarry (Lady Thorn Rhododendron Dell).

While the weather prevented some from climbing, those who went on Wednesday were able to get the full experience, including an abseil.

Students have been building to this over several weeks. Having mastered knots and belaying at School, the classes moved to conquering a variety of climbs at Logan Park High School's indoor wall. While the boys' skill levels progressed well during these sessions, this week's move outdoors took some boys out of their comfort zone. Going much higher than before and requiring full trust in their belayers and equipment, it was a memorable experience for most.

Those who have yet to climb will hopefully get their chance next week.

Thank you to Tim Bartholomew and his able assistants from Dunedin Climbing.

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