Have you ever thought about joining the OBHS PTA but didn’t know how?
I didn't know what to write.
Congratulations to Matthew Sims who completed his Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award.
Andrew Rhodes Gateway student 2020 hosted by BuildMe Dunedin Ltd.
Please see below an invitation to an upcoming OBHS Old Boys' Society function.
Below is a list of internal assessments that are due to be submitted next week.
Below is the Rector's address from Senior Prizegiving held this week.
A good bugger I know.
Talofa, Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Kia Orana, Bula vinaka, Taloha ni Fakalofa lahi atu, Malo ni, Noa’ia, Mauri, Talofa lava, and warm greetings.
Examinations and end of year functions dominate the rest of the School House year.
All trophies presented at last year’s junior prize giving now need to be returned.
The School Council is running a bake sale on the 4th of November to raise money for the current humanitarian crisis in Yemen.
Our Artist of the Week is Year 13 student Tamatea Schweikert.
On Tuesday, Lisa Wilkie from the Dunedin City Council and Tess McLauchlan came to talk to the School Council about an exciting new Arts initiative proposed for OBHS.
In 2021, ALL STUDENTS at Otago Boys' High School will need to bring along a device to school every day as an integral part of their learning.
After a delay due to Covid, the BMX Nationals were held in Christchurch over Labour weekend.
This week Elliott Alloo presented his Last Word in senior assembly.
Keep up to date with the Latest Otago Boys' High School news