Monday 9Term 4 begins
Monday 11MCAT preparation day Year 11
Monday 4Electoral office sign up team visit (Year 13)
Monday 18 - Friday 22Senior exams
Monday 21Senior academic coaching
Tournament Week1st XI Football, 10 Blues Football, U15 Rugby, Squash, Junior Basketball, Hockey
Monday 24
Monday 1413ODR Skiing assessment
Monday 7
Monday 31Parent/Teacher interviewsSchool closes for tuition at 1.25pm
Monday 17Term 3 starts
Monday 26Words of War presentation - Year 10 and 11CBHS Interschool (Squash and Basketball)
Monday 12Christ's College Interschool (away)Big Sing Regional finalePPTA action - rostering home Year 11 and 12
Monday 19Production full day rehearsal12ODR (DT) rock climbing assessment dayPPTA action - rostering home Year 9 and 10
Sunday 14 - Wednesday 17Duke of Edinburgh trip
Monday 5King's Birthday - school closed
Monday 29
Monday 22
Monday 8Teachers Only DayTertiary Open Day
Monday 24Term 2 startsANZAC Day Service
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