By Kelly Kinghorn | Posted: Thursday March 13, 2025
I can’t believe we are at week 7 already!
The term is flying by, and as the weather starts to get a bit colder, the library always gets a bit busier. With so many people using the library for a variety of reasons throughout the day, it becomes a really good place to put into practice the value of the term - respect.
Here are some ways you can show respect in the library:
Keep your noise to a respectable level. While you are enjoying a card game with your mates, someone at the table next to you might be struggling to study for a test or finish some homework. Be mindful of everyone using the space and keep the chat chill.
Return your books on time! Many of our books are very popular, and your overdue book might have people waiting for it to come back. Use your catalogue login to keep track of your library books, and remember to bring them back when you’re done reading, or extend your loan if you need a bit more time.
Mind your manners. Please and thank you go a long way when you’re asking for help. A little bit of small talk - “Hi”; “How are you?”; “Have a great day!” - leaves everyone feeling appreciated.
Leave the place the way you found it (or better). Push your chairs back in, return board games tidily, pick up any rubbish you might have made, and feel free to remind your mates to do the same.
Take time to make sure your bag is put away neatly on a shelf and well away from the doors and walkway in the foyer - it’s a busy spot and we don’t need anyone tripping over or struggling to get in and out of the library.
By being respectful in the library, we make sure the space is comfortable for everyone. Taking time to check your surroundings and to think about how your actions could affect other people and your environment is not only a good habit in the library, but around the rest of the school, and out in the world as well.
If you’re out and about this weekend, why not check out some Dunedin Fringe Festival events and performances? You can find all the details at the Dunedin Fringe website: