Cafe Babel reminder

By Elaine Kelly | Posted: Wednesday February 26, 2025

Now open to entire Dunedin community. All ages welcome.

Cafe Babel is based on the concept of a German Stammtisch, whereby a group of people meet each week around the same table to enjoy refreshments and exchange views. Cafe Babel will be THE place to meet up for lovers of language in Dunedin.

Language students are encouraged to take advantage of this great opportunity that will cost them nothing more than their time and maybe a drink at the cafe. A table will be allocated to each language.

If your son is learning any language formally at school or has an interest in learning a language,  this is a fantastic opportunity to touch base with other students who are learning languages in Dunedin. It is a great chance to build a support group for study and language learning.

Haere mai

Where: 43 Moray Place - Yours Cafe

When: Wednesday 12th March, and every second Wednesday @ 4 - 5pm