By OBHS | Posted: Tuesday February 11, 2025
Each week at senior assembly, one of the prefects share their Last Word. We would like to share these with the school community.
The first one for 2025 is by Head Boy, Charlie Ottrey.
How easy is it to say thank you?
Gratitude, or the quality of being thankful, is often seen as a small quick interaction such as a “thank you” or a polite nod. But in reality it can mean much more. Gratitude often starts at home where we are taught by our parents to always use our manners. You then carry these with you throughout your life.
If I'm honest, I think I haven't always been grateful enough for what I have. It's easy to focus on what is wrong in life or what I don't have and what's not going my way. But I've learnt when you stop and think for a second about what you actually have instead of what's missing, things start to shift. It is not always about the big stuff, sometimes it's the little things. Like talking to a mate about something that hasn't gone your way or a teacher going the extra mile to help you with your assignment. These are small gestures that can have a big impact on your life and success. This illustrates the power of gratitude and its ability to erase negativity. So next time you're having a bad day or things aren’t going your way just stop and start going over everything in your mind you have to be grateful for.
Here at Otago Boys' we are fortunate enough to have lots to be grateful for. Whether it be our teachers, coaches, opportunities, or our peers. All of these things tend to go unnoticed during our time here because it's what we are used to. But a quote I think we should remember is that “Your life is someone's dream, be grateful for what you have”. Although, Gratitude isn’t just about recognizing others, it's about how we carry ourselves. It only takes a few small habits that could lead to a change in perspective.
Gratitude is about showing appreciation in our actions, not just our words. Habits shape character. What you repeatedly do on a day to day basis creates the man you are. Take a moment to do the little things, like picking up that bit of rubbish that others may walk past, showing up on time, or putting your chair up at the end of class. These are just a few examples that we are often faced with and all require little effort. Because, fellas, if you can’t manage the small details, how can you be trusted with bigger tasks? Or to achieve great success? Being a man with gratitude isn’t a switch that is turned on for important moments, it's a way of life. Don’t get me wrong - I'm not saying you have to be excellent all the time, but a few small things everyday could create dramatic change.
So, boys as we move through this year, I challenge you to make gratitude part of who you are. Thank our teachers and coaches for going the extra mile to ensure your success. Appreciate this great school and all the mates you're surrounded by. Most importantly, thank your family and those close to you for allowing the opportunity to attend this school, as well as all the other work they do to ensure you have the best possible chance to have a successful life.
As author Roy T. Bennet said, “Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren't grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you will be happy with more”.
Charlie Ottrey