A message from the Rector

By Richard Hall | Posted: Thursday January 30, 2025

Welcome to the opportunity provided to us all as members of the OBHS community in 2025.

Opportunity is a commonly used word here, both by the boys and by the staff. It would be fair to say that it is the most widely-used word in our school and deservedly so. I think this school gives your son a wide and deep range of opportunities.

The opportunity to try new things and to meet new people. The opportunity to challenge himself to be better than before, and the opportunity to plot a course and a direction that will have an impact well past his five years here.

All he has to do is to put his hand up.

In line with that, this year's school poem (we have a school poem every year), is called Opportunity, by John James Ingalls. A copy is attached below. It has been selected to act as encouragement, as a guide and ultimately as a plea, it is all there it just needs to be taken. 

This year has started very well. We have enjoyed having the boys back in the school, although given the amount of extra curricular activity that happens over every break, some may feel that they have never left. As always, I feel a school is only a shell until it is filled with the energy, humour, physicality and diversity of our boys, we like having a full school, we enjoy having a busy calendar and dynamic classes. We love the opportunity to 'Craft Men of Oak'.

Have a great weekend, I am off to Aspiring with the Year 9 Hostel boys - another great opportunity our school provides.