Celebrating exceptional CAA literacy and numeracy results

By Richard Harvey | Posted: Tuesday December 3, 2024

This year, our school has seen significant success in the Common Assessment Activities (CAAs) for Literacy and Numeracy.

Many of our Year 10 students sat these exams for the first time in September, while Year 11 students had a follow-up opportunity to take the assessments. We are proud to report that our pass rates were well above the national averages.

These results reflect the academic commitment of our students and demonstrate that our recent focus on cross-curricular literacy and numeracy over the past 18 months is having a positive impact on student progress.

As a reminder, Year 10 and 11 students who did not achieve these standards will have additional opportunities to sit the reading, writing, and numeracy assessments during Year 11 or Year 12. Targeted support will continue to be offered to these students in preparation for future assessment windows.

We understand that not achieving these standards can be challenging. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need further support or have questions about the assessments.

Richard Harvey – Deputy Rector
Kate Hope – Literacy Coordinator
Scott Manson – Numeracy Coordinator