UC distance courses 2024

By Richard Harvey | Posted: Wednesday July 24, 2024

Since the beginning of this year, 4 of our Year 13 students have been actively engaged in independent study through Canterbury University's distance learning programme.

Once again this year the students are enrolled in a wide range of engaging courses that offer them the chance to develop advanced thinking, research, analytical, and writing skills.

These young men have shown dedication and perseverance in their academic pursuits. They have independently met the course requirements during their study periods, managing the rigorous demands of the programme. Their ability to balance this high level of commitment is impressive. They truly embody our school's value of courage by embracing such a challenging academic course.


Course: MATH199- Advancing in Mathematical Science: Calculus and linear algebra.

  • Luke Woo 

  • Thomas Hayman 

What they say:  This course is a great opportunity for me to push myself and learn about complex ideas, as well as having a chance to attend a workshop in Christchurch to learn more about engineering and university life. 

Course: POLS102 Politics: An Introduction

  • Ben Richards 

What they say: Ben said that he would recommend this course for any boys interested in politics and found the material interesting and the case studies gave real-world applications that provided clarity with the course. 

Course: PSYC105 Introductory Psychology - Brain, Behaviour and Cognition

  • Lachie Hall 

What they say: Lachie said this course was diverse and motivating which linked to concepts he could apply to life, and that the course introduced him to many different applications of psychology within the science sector, from neuropsychology to forensic, health and drug psychology. 

This semester we have two boys, Sam MacGregor and Tāmati Whitaker, who will take the course ‘Te Patu A Maui: The Treaty Of Waitangi - Facing And Overcoming Colonisation’. All the best for this course boys.