Term 2 Students of the Term

By OBHS | Posted: Sunday June 30, 2024

We are thrilled to announce and celebrate our exemplary Students of the Term for Term 2.

Year 9
Jack Toomer

Throughout this term, Jack has consistently demonstrated outstanding dedication, effort, and a commendable attitude towards learning and his peers.

He is a shining example of a diligent learner, consistently striving for excellence in all his endeavours. His commitment to academic success is reflected in his excellent grades across various assessments this year. Not only does he excel academically, but he also embodies qualities of respect and courtesy, adhering to classroom routines with utmost politeness.

One of Jack's most notable attributes is his willingness to go above and beyond to assist his fellow classmates. His helpful nature and willingness to support others create a positive and inclusive classroom environment for everyone. Jack consistently demonstrates maturity beyond his years, handling responsibilities with grace and showing leadership potential among his peers.

Year 10
Mikah Machado

Mikah is a student who exemplifies the virtues of hard work and perseverance.

Quietly spoken and inherently decent, he possesses a remarkable focus on his studies that is truly commendable.

Mikah extends himself, delving into complex books and challenging subjects with a thirst for knowledge that is inspiring. His proactive approach to education is evident in his meticulous preparation and thoughtful contributions both in and out of the classroom.

One of Mikah's most admirable traits is his self-motivation. He is the epitome of someone who doesn't need constant redirection or reminders. His assignments are not just completed on time but often submitted well in advance, a testament to his disciplined work ethic and organizational skills.

Year 11
Grevel McFarland

Grevel has demonstrated remarkable diligence, as evidenced by his impressive effort grade of 4.3. He is steadily progressing towards achieving centurion status, having successfully navigated all his assessments.

Grevel is a quiet yet impactful presence in the classroom. He is a humble and unassuming student who contributes thoughtfully to class discussions and activities. His peers and teachers alike appreciate his willingness to guide and support others, embodying a "hand up, not handout" philosophy that is truly commendable.

His dedication to his studies and his peers has made him a popular choice for Student of the Term among our staff.

Year 12
Ben Nguyen

Ben has consistently demonstrated intelligence, hard work, respectfulness, and a positive attitude throughout the term.

Notably, Ben has excelled as a leader in our top chess team, showcasing strategic thinking and dedication in every match. His prowess extends beyond the chessboard; as a talented pianist, Ben achieved recognition as a Talent Quest finalist, impressing judges and audiences alike with his musical talents. Furthermore, he contributes to our school's vibrant music scene by playing in a band.

Beyond these accomplishments, Ben exemplifies kindness and support within our school community. His role as a mentor and supportive figure in the badminton setting, particularly with younger students, reflects his genuine warmth and leadership qualities.

Ben's ability to balance academic excellence with a rich array of extracurricular activities is truly commendable.

Year 13
Lachie Hall

Lachie demonstrates not only a deep understanding but a genuine passion for Biology. His dedication and achievements have not only set him apart but have also earned him well-deserved recognition having gained Scholarship in Year 12.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Lachie is also actively involved in singing and production, showcasing his diverse talents and interests. Despite his busy schedule, he approaches all his endeavours with unwavering dedication and enthusiasm. His exemplary behaviour in class and his positive attitude towards work exemplify the values cherished at OBHS.

Lachie's commitment extends beyond academics and extracurriculars; he is a leader in his prefect duties. He consistently goes above and beyond, offering assistance to fellow students in need and serving as a role model within the school community.