By OBHS | Posted: Wednesday June 5, 2024
Below is a list of internal assessments that are due to be submitted next week.
11SCI (SI)
91921: Demonstrate understanding of the use of a range of scientific investigative approaches in a context.
91581: Investigate bivariate measurement data.
91582: Use statistical methods to make a formal inference.
91401: Demonstrate understanding of micro-economic concepts.
91944: Exploring Data using a statistical enquiry process.
91925: Demonstrate understanding of specific aspects of studied text.
12BIO (SI)
91153: Carry out a practical investigation in a biology context, with supervision.
12ENG (HH)
91107: Analyse aspects of visual and/or oral text(s) through close viewing and/or listening, supported by evidence.
91789: Devise strategies for a physical activity outcome.