Building has begun!

By Richard Hall | Posted: Tuesday April 23, 2024

After a significant amount of effort and energy, the School Board are pleased to announce the commencement of a significant building project at Otago Boys' High School.

In the pipeline since 2020, the accessibility development, site-wide electrical upgrade, and conversion of the Shand block into a music and performing arts space has begun. Scheduled to be completed during the second half of 2025, these property developments are the most significant upgrades to our school, since the 1980's when the MacLachlan Block was built.

Funded by the Capital Works team of the Ministry of Education and led by local company Naylor Love, much of the school will be improved. In particular, the Shand, McIndoe, MacLachlan and Technical blocks will be made accessible to those who have accessibility needs and the complete renewal of the Shand block will finally see Arts in the school given the facility the quality of the boys deserve. (The Art Room was upgraded in 2015).

During the construction phase, there will be significant issues with parking, with only some small number of short term (1 hour) parks being available. With much of the school shut off, the ability for the students to have safe access and areas to move around are a priority and we ask that those who are visiting the school consider the fact that they will not be able to park in the school, when they factor in their travel.

As a school we are excited by this work, and we are appreciative of the efforts of the Ministry of Education’s Capital Works team. 

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