The Last Word

By Mack Wrigley | Posted: Monday March 11, 2024

My name is Mack Wrigley, and you guys probably wonder what I am doing up here and wearing this tie.

I didn’t play First XV, I didn’t receive academic excellence, and I certainly didn’t perform in the musical. 

I see it in your boy’s eyes. I know what you all think about me, and I’ll say it, "Man, he’s Nikola Jokic.” Although Jakaya Lome-Hindle used to tell me this every day of Year 12 when we used to play basketball at lunch, this is important. 

Not a soul thought that when Jokic was picked 41st overall during a Taco Bell commercial, he would become the two-time league MVP and a probable Hall of Famer. Analysts claimed he was too slow, not athletic enough, and unable to finish a whole game. Nobody believed he would amount to anything; the only person ready to prove this wrong was himself.

Sometimes, it only takes one person to believe in you. When your back is against the wall and no one believes you, you have to become that one person. Personally, this is something that I have learned from my older brother. I haven’t ever told him, but he is my biggest role model, and this year, when he signed his first sevens contract in Chicago, this motto came true. Tireless hard work behind the scenes for his endless rehab for injuries finally paid off, and he achieved his dream.

Boys always make fun of me because every footy season I walk into school with my chest held high, bellowing, “This is the Wallaby's year to finally take the Bledisloe Cup away from New Zealand.” Although I have never seen my country lift this trophy, or even any trophy for that matter, I don’t need any stats or data to argue that they will win. I won’t argue with anyone about the Bledisloe because I know that for the rest of my life, I predict the Wallabies to be the only team to lift the cup. The reason is faith - blind faith in them.

Eventually, one day in your life, blind faith will be the only thing you will have. I have faith my parents love me, I have faith I’ll be the best person I can be, and I have faith the Wallabies will lift the 2024 Bledisloe Cup. The best part about it is that if these don’t come true, I know I can wake up tomorrow and believe that it will happen today or next year.

I know these speeches can be long and dull so I will wrap it up in true OBHS fashion with a quote: "If you believe in yourself, anything is possible" - Miley Cyrus.