What it means to be a Kiwi

By Hunter Martin | Posted: Wednesday February 28, 2024

Level 1 English students were asked to write a piece that explored what it meant to be a Kiwi. Use of colloquial language, humour and a structure that appealed to the reader were encouraged. Enjoy Hunter Martin's fine example.

Hey there, Kiwi crew!

Let's have a yarn about what makes us True-Blue Kiwis, eh? Being a Kiwi isn't just about loving Pavlova and rugby (although, let's be honest, they're pretty sweet). It's about embracing a special way of life that's different from the silver fern on our rugby team's flag.

We Kiwis are all about takin' it easy. We're not ones to stress about the small stuff; we would rather kick back with a drink and enjoy the sunshine. Whether it's a barbecue on the beach or a hike through the bush, we know how to make the most of every moment.

Our Kiwi identity comes in all shapes and sizes, just like our awesome country. Whether you are from the city, a farm kid from Gore, or a surfer dude from St Clair Beach, there's no one way to be a Kiwi. It's about celebrating our differences and coming together as one big whānau.

We Kiwis love a good yarn, don't we? Whether we're sharing stories over a cuppa or having a laugh with our mates, we know how to keep the talk flowing. And hey, if we disagree on something, no worries, we'll just agree to disagree and crack on with the banter.

Last but not least, we love our sport. We Kiwis are known worldwide for our passion for sports, whether it's rugby, cricket, or netball. Our love for the game runs deep, and it's not just about winning, it's about community, the thrill of competition, and the sense of closeness it brings. Whether we're cheering on the All Blacks at Eden Park or hitting the pitch with our local club team, sports are one of the most important things shaping our Kiwi identity.

So, here's to us, the Kiwi crew. The ones who know how to take life as it comes, who care about friendship and community, and who wear our Kiwi pride like a badge of honour. Let's keep living the Kiwi way, spreading positivity, and making New Zealand proud wherever we go.

See ya later, Kiwi crew!


Hunter Martin
Year 11 Student