A message from the Rector

By OBHS | Posted: Monday February 8, 2016

Yesterday I had the privilege, along with a group of our students, to listen to an old boy and ex Dux of the school (2013) - Tim Chisholm.

To me, Tim spoke about discipline.

When asked by one of the students about what motivated him to achieve highly academically, he said it was a love for learning which for him looked like asking 'Why' and 'How'. But he added this gem - motivation only goes so far - it is the routine and the discipline that counts.

That thought stuck with me. At this time of the year everyone is energised, the sun is out, the classes have just begun, everyone feels that surge and we need to ride this wave as long as we can. But nearly 25 years of educating boys has taught me that unfortunately it won't last.

That is when the academic discipline is so important.

He also spoke about chipping away at the NCEA and scholarship mountains, that it is a marathon not a sprint. A skill parents can assist with is organisation, breaking down the task into smaller pieces. Staff do this through scaffolding the student learning, at home you can do it through encouraging a homework routine.

It can be difficult for parents to understand why or why not your son may have homework, instead don't only focus on the what they have to do, but the routine and the how. Helping your son to do something as simple as planning out the next week, balancing the in-school and out of school commitments in the form of a calendar is, I think, creating that academic discipline.

Create an expectation of routine now that will last.

Athletic sports was a real success. Both the staff and students enjoyed the opportunity to unleash their House spirit. I was very pleased with both the attitude and fun displayed by the boys. Not everyone is Hussain Bolt, but they can all try. I want to thank Mr Peter Turner for his help and expertise with our athletics programme.

I named the Prefects this week, congratulations to: Taine Bayly, Samuel Dippie, Zade Fairweather, Edward Grant, Timothy Hogan, Ricky Jackson, Sam Kilsby, Cameron McAuslan, James Nind, Mitch Pryde, Aaron Roydhouse, Ben Sinnamon, Declan Su’a, Isimeli Tuivaga and Samuel Wardhaugh. These young leaders are charged with the task of supporting the school culture to ensure the opportunities and brotherhood of our school remains strong. They like all groups are challenged to leave the school better than they found it. They have split into 4 teams, each a key factor in the growth of our school. The first is the academic leaders, the cultural leaders, sporting leaders and leaders of our House competitions. Each team is charged with leading student learning opportunities in their area.

I know this will improve our school.

RIchard Hall
