From the Board Chair

By G Bates | Posted: Thursday February 18, 2016

My time as a trustee has been a thoroughly rewarding experience, and at times a challenge.

If you have a genuine interest in the education of our young men at Otago Boys’ and a desire to have an input into the well-being of our great school, then I would encourage you to consider putting your name forward for the triennial Board of Trustees elections coming up in early June. Nominations open 6 May and close 20 May.

The role requires a commitment, as it takes at least a year to understand what a trustee represents and the issues which a board has to deal with. Most trustees will say it takes three years. Ideally members are encouraged to stay for a second term to ensure continuity of the governance role.

A board's most important responsibility is to focus on supporting teaching, learning and the ongoing improvement of student achievement. To achieve this, the board is responsible at a governance level for the curriculum, property, personnel, finance and health and safety.

To be effective a Board needs a balance of specific skills and experiences around the table. Ideally these should include strategic expertise, financial understanding, legal acumen, risk management, people skills, cultural diversity and knowledge of the education industry.

To be an effective trustee, personal qualities such as integrity, curiosity, courage, interpersonal skills, a genuine interest in the school and its activities, and time are important attributes.

For more information visit or feel free to give me or Richard Hall a call.

Geoff Bates

Board Chair

021 2466680