A Note From Senior Management

By OBHS | Posted: Friday February 26, 2016

Today sees us at the end of week 4 of Term 1 and here at OBHS things are in full swing.

This week we have celebrated with our 2015 scholarship winners and boys who gained NCEA Excellence endorsements, have hosted an interschool against Waitaki Boys’ High School and have met with the parents of our new Year 9 cohort.

A key message for our students this year is that “you are not an OB’s boy by default.” OBHS boys actively uphold the expectations, values and traditions of the school.

Another facet of OBHS boys is that they get involved in the many activities on offer. Competition games for summer sport are well under way and a large number of boys are playing for school teams. Winter sports have begun taking registrations and some trials are already being held. Auditions for the OBHS-OGHS production of Pop Stars have been held, with over 50 boys trying out. Whatever the interests of boys, there is something here for them.

Active involvement at OBHS does not just mean on the sports field or the stage, however. It also means participating in the classroom and not being a mere passenger. Boys achieve most when they are actively involved in their learning. This means completing class work, doing homework, asking questions, joining in discussion and sharing ideas with others. All boys should feel free to approach teachers for help with their work. That is what we are here for.

Have a great weekend.