PTA Cheese Roll Fundraiser - Date Extended

By OBHS PTA | Posted: Sunday February 28, 2016

The Otago Boys' High School Parents Association is once again making our superb cheese rolls! We don’t want to brag, but rumour has it that our cheese rolls are by far the best in Dunedin! Well filled with delicious cheese and real onion – okay so we are bragging! But it is very true!

The date for orders has now been extended until Thursday 24 March.

The funds raised from this will go towards portable speakers for the school. These will be used at major events such as athletics day, sporting matches and outside for whole school assembly, only to name a few of the uses.

The main fundraising aim of the Parents Association is that we want to have our money benefit as many boys as possible and we feel that these speakers will do just that.

See the attachment below for an order form.

We will be requiring helpers to assist with the making of these cheese rolls, so if you or your boy(s) could spare two hours or more on either the 1st April or the 2nd of April please contact us as directed on the form.

If you are requiring further information please contact Caroline Officer on 021 164 8887 or 
03 4766101.

Many thanks from the Otago Boys' High School Parents Association.