A Message From The Rector

By R Hall | Posted: Monday February 29, 2016

Another week has flown by and we are close to the halfway point of the first term.

By now your son should have settled into strong routines and habits. If not then guide him as to what is appropriate, in the junior school 40 minutes to one hour per night, in the senior school 1 to 2 hours.

There is always learning that can happen at home. Revision of the days lessons is a strong and yet often overlooked task that reinforces the learning or raises questions that should be explored.

Shortly the Prefects will begin the free lunch time tutorials for all students. More information is to come, but if you are interested feel free to contact the school.

Have a good weekend - I'll be at Ocean Grove with my Year 9 cricketer's - a new ground for me and a chance for the boys to get a win.

Richard Hall