On Site Physiotherapist

By OBHS | Posted: Tuesday March 1, 2016

As parents of boys you will know that the majority of our young men are involved in some type of physical activity.

Often injuries occur that require some form of rehabilitation. Boys being excused from class for medical appointments are many. One of the main offshoots of these absences is that our young men miss too much class time. Thinking outside the square the school approached the Recovery Room to set up on site in the Shand, Monday through Thursday for the boys to make appointments and Friday for any staff members.

Matt Carrington, Claire Hepperlin, Alex Gough and Karl Houltham will Assess, Diagnose and Rehabilitate our students. Their areas of focus are as follows:

Claire: Football, Basketball, Volleyball and Athletics

Matt: Rugby, Hockey and AFL

Alex: Rugby, Cricket and Golf

Karl: Rugby, Badminton, Tennis and Squash

But all physiotherapists are equally available if needed.

This opportunity is available to all students from all sports. We have enlisted the services of Dr Helen Chignall who specifically works in the area of concussion and head injuries. If necessary your son will be referred on to her for further diagnosis and support.