Mt Aspiring Camp was a Great Time! 

By Cameron Porteous (10H) | Posted: Thursday March 17, 2016

When we first arrived we went for a swim in the Matukituki river. On Sunday we went kayaking. We began near the Raspberry Flat carpark and went back down to the lodge from there. There were some rapids that were quite fun going through and going backwards through some of them.

Then we started our big walk to Kitchener Flat where we stayed only one night. It rained when we first got there and kept on raining while we were cooking on the open fires we had just made.

The next morning we all woke up and pretty much packed all our tents up and took off to Junction Flat where we stayed for our last night. When we got there everyone got together and Mr Cooper and Mr Black took us about 200 metres up a steep valley through bushes and trees where there was a sick as swimming hole where everyone was diving into and jumping off some ledges, it was awesome! After we had got back down we had all pretty much started making our fires and mostly everyone was cooking on each others fires. When it got dark we all stood around the bigger camp fire and sung and did hakas. The next morning we got up again cooked breakfast and then packed up all our stuff and headed off, the short way this time because the river was low enough to cross. We got back and everyone was relieved that they got to take their heavy packs off.

The next day was Thursday and some of us went to Wishbone Falls for a swim. Before we got there we all had to push the van to jump start it. At Wishbone we were jumping off rocks and doing bombs. That night we cooked up the best feed on camp “the fry up” Mr Cooper said. We had chops, sausages, pan fried chips, mashed spuds and caramelized onions which went down as a treat for all of the lads.

Cameron Porteous