A Message From The Rector

By R Hall | Posted: Friday March 18, 2016

Another week has flown by.

 I wonder if it is because I am getting older (obviously) or because I work in such a dynamic environment but time is certainly moving.

This week we have added a new section to our weekly newsletter - that is, The Last Word. The Last Word is an OBHS tradition. At each of our formal assemblies on a Tuesday a Prefect, in this case James Nind, gives the last word. This is his opportunity to speak to the school about what is important to him, always they are heartfelt and enlightening. I hope you will enjoy reading them.

Last night I attended the PTA AGM, I wanted to publically acknowledge the whole group, but especially the leadership of Caroline Officer, the re-elected Chair. The meetings are efficient and light-hearted, this group gets stuff done. If you can we would love to see you there - and they make awesome cheese rolls!

Enjoy the long weekend.

Richard Hall