Summer Sports Blues Awarded

By A Turner | Posted: Tuesday May 3, 2016

The Summer Blues Assembly which was held on Tuesday acknowledged the achievements of those young men who have excelled in their sporting endeavours already this year.

It was pleasing to see so many students, across a variety of summer codes, representing themselves and the school so well. 

Highlights were the acknowledgement, of Cameron Miller and Liam Turner. Cameron received two trophies from Otago Athletics - The Vance Latta Memorial trophy for the best Decathon/Octathlon performance during the season by an Otago athlete at all levels; and the Downes Gemtime Jewellers Centennial trophy for the most points scored in field events by an under 20 athlete throughout the season. He was the youngest athlete to be awarded not just one, but two trophies. Liam received his New Zealand Representative blazer for not only representing New Zealand at the Oceania Youth Games, but also winning two golds and a bronze in his events! It was a fitting conclusion to the assembly which highlighted once again the remarkable achievement of our students. 

A special thanks to all the coaches, managers and parents involved in summer sport. We wish you all the best for the winter season.

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