A Last Word From the Board Chair

By Geoff Bates | Posted: Monday May 9, 2016

It has been an absolute privilege to be part of the governance of a school that offers such a unique combination of academic challenge, sporting endeavour, cultural richness and tradition.

After six years, the last three as chairman, I will be standing down after the final meeting of the current Board on the 7th June.

Come the 10th June Otago Boys’ will have a new Board of Trustees.

Nominations close for the upcoming election on the 20 May.

If you have personal qualities such as integrity, curiosity, courage, interpersonal skills, a genuine interest in the school and its activities and some spare time, then I would encourage, if not challenge, you to put your name forward.

To be effective, a Board needs a balance of specific skills and experience around the table. Ideally these should include strategic expertise, financial understanding, legal acumen, risk management, people skills, cultural diversity and knowledge of the education industry.

A Board's most important responsibility is to focus on supporting teaching and learning and the ongoing improvement of student achievement. From my experience you will find the role both rewarding and fulfilling. This however does not and should not involve the day-to-day running of the school.

Looking back there have been more than a few challenges. Some character building. Some decisions have been hard to make. The most important decision made by this Board was a highlight of my term, the appointment of our new Rector, Mr Richard Hall.

I leave knowing that the school is in very good hands and has entered a new and exciting era.

I leave in total admiration of our extremely talented and committed management team and equally our hard working and passionate teaching and support staff. The ones at the coal face, the ones that ensure every opportunity is offered to your sons to be the best that they can be, not only in academic achievement but also in behaviour and what it means to an OB’s boy.

Finally I must thank my fellow board members for their dedication and support. The same can be said for all those supporters of our old school, a school that in my very unbiased opinion is in very fine heart.