A Message From The Rector

By R Hall | Posted: Sunday May 15, 2016

Last week I attended the Association of Boys' Schools of New Zealand conference in Wellington.

This annual conference is an opportunity for me to engage with the leaders of the 30 plus boys' schools in New Zealand.

While we come from different parts of the country, different contexts, we all share the same passion; the quality education of young men.

There were several guest speakers. One who I thought hit the right note was Scotty Stevenson, the SKY Sports commentator. He is a product of Auckland Grammar School and his insight into what boys schools can offer is worth sharing. Interestingly, he spent only his last two years at Grammar, his previous schooling was in a co-educational environment.

His theme is competition. A word that we embrace here at our school. Not a word that I feel we should be afraid of, rather a word that encapsulates what you often want for your son; I hear it repeated over and over in enrollment interviews - we want our son to be pushed, given a purpose and looked after. Competition can do this. Equity means access for all, competition means thriving for all. Both are worthwhile.

The teachers he mentions made an impact on him, many were what might politely be called 'eccentric'. Often they have the most impact on boys.

When you read it, please remember it is not about Grammar as much as it is about boys, about how boys' schools do things that are powerful, that make a difference and that include you in a wonderful journey.

As you read it I offer you the opportunity to discuss it with your son - see what he thinks and I am sure whatever he feels, you will see the growth in him.

(His speech is printed in another section of this newsletter with his permission).


Richard Hall