Otago Hospice was the Winner on the Night

By Road to Rhodes Students | Posted: Friday June 10, 2016

On Thursday evening for the second year in a row, Otago Boys' and Otago Girls' ran a quiz night. This year the chosen charity was the Otago Community Hospice.

This year the running and leadership was from our junior Gifted and Talented boys who are part of our school's Road to Rhodes scheme. We are all boys in Year 9 and 10.

We decided on a quiz night a few months ago. The last week has seen all our planning and work come together for a very successful night of fun with around 30 teams and 200 people entering. The winning team, named the 1st XV won by a single point from our runners up - our lovely team of front office staff.

The total raised for Otago Community Hospice was $1725.90. We are very proud of our efforts and how the night turned out to be a great success. We feel we have made a difference to our community by giving something back. This is something built into the Road to Rhodes scheme. Thank you to all teams who entered. We hope you had a good night.

From the Year 9 and 10 Road to Rhodes boys.

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