Design Graphics

By Richard Dougherty | Posted: Thursday June 30, 2016

Currently in Design Graphics the students are designing all manner of things. There are lamps, sleep-outs, houses, furniture, electronic devices, transportable buildings, letter boxes, the list goes on. 

The current group of Year 9 students are wrapping up their sleep-out design project. The Year 10 design students are completing virtual construction of the three-dimensional animal inspired Robots, which will be printed on our 3D printer next week. 

The level 1 design students are nearing completion of the letter box design task. Level 2 students have a more open brief, the project is based around a product design (DVC) standard and there are some fantastic looking items being presented. Level 3 students have been exploring shape, form and texture. Again this is a very open brief, they are either designing a building or a product, with emphasis on creativity and equal measures of practicality.

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