Otago/Southland Ski and Snowboard Championship

By Pru Casey | Posted: Thursday August 11, 2016

The Otago Boys' Ski and Snowboard team have once again proved their worth with taking second place in both disciplines at the recent Otago/Southland Ski and Snowboard Championships held at Cardrona last weekend.

It was a tough competition with Central Otago schools well represented. Matt McCaw lead a capable team and performed well with support from excellent boarder Emrys McNabb and Luke Hurdle and Gideon Thompson performing well adding valuable points to the snowboarders team total. Skiers Felix Brabant, Tom Howie and Oban Hansen are experienced ski racers and took second place in the team ski racing. 

This was despite having to work without the excellence of Max Watt who had been injured but decided to attend in support of the team. Four teams attended the championships from Otago Boys' High School, a great group of lads who all gave their best on the day. 

The South Island Champs in September, also to be held at Cardrona is their next challenge.