A Message for the Old Boys

By R Hall | Posted: Friday August 12, 2016

Otago Boys’ High School remains a school of excellence.

This was confirmed by the Education Review Office after their recent inspection of the school. They found that students were afforded an excellent range of educational opportunities by our staff who care about the quality of education that we deliver.

While it was satisfying as the Rector for us to be acknowledged in this way, there still remains a clear need for us to improve and to work together with the community to drive our achievement forward.

In the classroom our students have retained their motivation and drive – NCEA can be a bit of a grind as a qualification, and our focus on students giving of their best 100% of the time is paying off in strong results. Through clearer tracking of our senior students we believe we are in good shape to improve on 2015’s academic results.

The two winter terms are always a challenge, the strong interschool results. (which you can read about in an article further on in the newsletter) from the 6 traditionals show that our boys retain the pride in wearing the blue and white hoops. We were very proud recently when Year 12 student Hamish Walker was selected for the New Zealand Under 21 Men’s Curling team. This is the second time he has been picked to represent his country. With the Olympics on currently, our 4 Olympians, Hamish Bond, Kane Russell, Blair Tarrant and Hugo Inglis continue to be an inspiration to our current athletes.

Culturally our students continue to enjoy a wide variety of activities – the arts are going well and although Rob Duffy our Music master retired this year I have been very pleased with the progress made by his replacement Konrad Hanson (Deputy Head Prefect 2004).

I have recently begun a process of consultation regarding the place of the Foundation in our school. I see it and the Old Boys’ Society as key components of the future success of Otago Boys’. The clarity I seek though is in how the two groups can work together to create a stronger Society and a financially supportive Foundation. The best description I have at the moment is that the Foundation sits as a financial entity charged with supporting the school and projects that it may have. We certainly have a need, with the Hostel, the Shand and the Lodge at Mt Aspiring needing rejuvenation. I would be very keen to hear from Foundation members, after all you have made the contributions, so your voice needs to be heard. Can I ask that you make contact through Melissa, either via email or telephone and I would be more than happy to speak to you.

As a Foundation member you have been supportive of your old school. I hope this will continue and that we can deliver on the contributions you have made.