News from the Library

By Lynn Vare | Posted: Friday August 19, 2016

In the recent holidays the library window seats were all reupholstered, and so the new ‘reading only’ area was born in style and comfort! If you’ve ever been lucky enough to visit the library during interval or lunchtimes, you will know what a hive of energy this place is.

It can be hard to get a seat sometimes, so a dedicated space for the gentle art of reading was needed. People like to say boys don’t read. I don’t think it’s true. Many love to read, but as students get pressured by after school commitments, assignments, NCEA and ‘life’, it can be really hard to find the time, but it is worth it when you can. Check out our library catalogue to see what the most popular fiction books are at OB’s (you’ll find these under Quick Lists). Better still, get your son to bring home a book from our fabulous collection for you to read!