Biology Olympians!

By Pru Casey | Posted: Monday September 19, 2016

Congratulations to Charlie Humphrey and Mane Marshall, OBHS Year 12 Biology students, who have gained places in the NZ International Biology Olympiad Tutorial program.

This elite program for talented students of Biology requires a sound performance in the NZIBO entrance exam. Mane and Charlie will now spend about 12-15 hours per week on online tutorials throughout the next 4 months with face to face tutorial support on offer at the University of Otago. 

They have gained Bronze Certificates and will now compete for Silver. Success in another exam at the end of the summer school holidays will see them selected for an intensive ten day residential practical training camp during Easter next year. This is held at Waikato University, the Auckland School of Medical Sciences and the University of Massey Albany. There they will compete for a place to represent NZ in the UK next June.

Well done boys. Otago Boys' High School is very proud of you!