Students Named in NZ Secondary Students' Choir

By Konrad Hanson | Posted: Thursday October 20, 2016

This week we received the fantastic news that two of our boys have made the New Zealand Secondary Students' Choir.

This caps off a busy and successful musical year for Alex Grant and Taina Te Ngahue, which included choir, competitions, kapa haka, and production.

Almost 250 of New Zealand's best high school singers auditioned for the 60 person choir. Alex and Taina were two of only five Dunedin singers to make the cut, and have continued Otago Boys' High School's success in the national choir.

Alex and Taina will be members of the New Zealand Secondary Students' Choir for two years, taking part in intensive rehearsals and public performances held every school holidays. At the end of their time in the choir, they will take part in an international festival or competition; recent international festivals include Singapore, South Africa, and Canada.

This is a fantastic opportunity for the boys, who have committed so much time outside the classroom in their cultural endeavours. The skills and experience they gain from being part of the choir will not only help to develop their own abilities as singers and performers, but it will also help them lead our school choir, with both of the boys returning next year.

Congratulations to Alex and Taina, we look forward to following your progress over the next two years.