Term 3 Students of the Term

By OBHS | Posted: Tuesday October 25, 2016

This award recognises one young man in each year level who has lived our school values: Respect, Perseverance, Honour, Courage and Excellence. He ideally will be a student who has shown through his actions these values, not just his potential. This award, we hope, will inspire all our students. 

The recipients for Term Three are:

Year 9
Issac Pratley

Issac was nominated by three teachers for his outstanding work and contribution in class. He works well with his peers and consistently applies himself to set tasks.

Year 10
Tatenda Munyuku

Tatenda is a quiet and diligent young man whose thoughtful approach to learning is helping him make very good progress. He has a cheerful nature and is making the most of his opportunities here at Otago Boys’.

Year 11
Zac Holt

Close race that ended in a three way tie! It was Zac's overall progress grades for the year that gave him the final edge. Nominated in Mathematics, History and Physical Education. He has been involved in many different co-curricular activities. He is a centurion and has gained NCEA Level 1 with Excellence.

Year 12
Jay Lee

Jay has been an influential student in this "thick end" of the year, his good attitude towards school work, enthusiasm and encouragement of others deserves accolade. Jay is also a School Council member and a very organised form member. A very humble student, who puts others first. He is currently involved in the Aspiring sustainable energy group.

Year 13
Jeong Kim

Jeffery (Jeong) Kim has been nominated by four teachers. His exemplary work ethic and positive attitude have been heralded by all. His results are impressive. 61/61 credits for the year so far and 49 are Excellence credits. An impressive young academic and a fine young man.