By TIna Fridd | Posted: Tuesday February 14, 2017
Thank you to everyone who has contacted the school about donating goods etc. or helping at the Fair in April.
The Fair will be Otago Boys’ major fundraiser for the year. All proceeds will go towards ICT resources.
We have started the collection of items and the following can be dropped to the school office:
Monday 03 April – Thursday 07 April – PICKLES, JAMS.
All Form classes will be involved in the running of either a stall or activity and house points will be on offer so there is a real challenge for all our boys to be involved.
All boys have been issued with a raffle card of 10 tickets to sell to friends and neighbours. We would appreciate your support to encourage them to sell their tickets.
Tina Fridd 4775527 ext 255 or [email protected]