A Week At Camp With 10A

By George Stratton & Samuel Chadwick | Posted: Monday March 6, 2017

10A have arrived back from their week at camp

10A's camp was lit!!!

The first day started with a long but enjoyable bus ride through the stunning landscape of central Otago, you could just sense the feeling on that bus ride that everyone was excited.

Day 2: Was filled with team bonding exercises (for my group) which included building a rope ladder to get over a tree branch and also this thing to keep us out of the water in case of a flood which my group failed to complete.

Day 3: This was an exciting day for our group with Orienteering in the morning with Mr Zani which was awesome fun. I must add Caleb and I broke a record for one of the maps. In the afternoon we had kayaking with Hamish (Mr Cooper) which got the blood pumping at some points in the river and some boys decided to take a "swim".

Day 4: We were off on campout to Glacier Burn with our packs on our backs. When we got to Glaciers Burn we went for a swim. When we got out of the water Mr Zani said we will carry on to Junction Flat so we stayed there the night in our tents and had an awesome camp fire thanks to the Year 13s.

Day 5: We were on our secound night of campout at Glacier Burn and had another camp fire and also went swimming. Campout was a good time as we had to cook for ourselves otherwise we would have gone hungry.

For the last of the 2 days we went to Wishbone Falls (which was amazing) and had a swim and also did this thing like orienteering called Rogain. My group won which meant we got a ride to Wishbone Falls. The last day was just cleaning up and getting ready to leave this amazing, once in a life time opportunity.

Cheers to the crew for making this happen: Mr Zani, Ms Hinchey, Mr Simpson, Vim, Charlie, Nik, Liam and Luke. It was awesome!

George Stratton

My name is Sam and I am in 10A.

My school camp trip was exciting, fun and most of all challenging.

The first walk was about 8km, we got off the bus, loaded the van with food and our day packs, then we were on our way. It was a nice walk, it was sunny so it got a bit hot towards the end but we survived.

There was a footbridge across the river which we used to cart the food across and into the lodge. Once we got to the lodge we set up our bunk rooms and had a bit of a chill until dinner.

The next couple of days we did activities such as kayaking, orienteering and some team building exercises. Kayaking was my favourite activity, paddling through rapids and freezing cold glacier water. The orienteering was quite fun but was annoying when you couldn’t find the marks. The team building exercises were good, my team aced all of them as the ideas kept rolling in and we executed everything well.

The duties were alright, especially as the seniors were there to help us. Cutting and getting wood was probably one the most fun duties because we cut down some dead trees and got great satisfaction from watching them fall. The other one was kitchen duty, it was good and you cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The overnight camp was fun as well. The tents were good and provided a good nights sleep. There was a really nice waterfall where most people had a swim which was nice and refreshing. The tramp on the way back was better because it was all down hill so you felt more aware of the beautiful landscape. Everyone was really tired when we got back and the teachers decided we should go for a swim at Wishbone Falls which was awesome. The water was beautiful and it was slightly warmer than the river.

Everyone was relieved that we went home but I think everyone had a good time, I sure did!

Samuel Chadwick

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