Book Club

By Lynn Vare | Posted: Monday March 6, 2017

The OBHS Book club meets fortnightly at interval to fight over new books, biscuits and who is arguably reading the greatest book of the week. 

It can be loud and messy, like a blood sport -but that's how we roll. We love our books and we'll fight for the right to read them!  

However, we're also happy to share when we're finished. Here's one you might like to read:

The Drowning by Rachel Ward: (OBHS Book Club 4 stars)  - "This is a really great thriller, good story and characters and the ending totally throws you. Excellent read," says Joseph.

When Carl opens his eyes on the banks of a cold lake, his brother is being zipped into a body bag. And a shivering wet girl is being helped nearby. ‘What happened in the water? ‘He can’t remember. All he knows is that he must find out – before the truth comes back to drown him. Publisher notes

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